Ouessant 50 (knitted with 2 threads) from Bouclelaine- color « Outremer » :
1530. 1740. 1980. 2220. 2400. 2640 m [1673. 1903 . 2165 . 2428 . 2625 . 2887 yd]
Ouessant 50 (knitted with 2 threads) from Bouclelaine- color « Alouette » :
415. 480. 570. 650. 710. 795 m [454. 525 . 623 . 711 . 777 . 870 yd]
Other threads used by testers :
- Sport + from Bergère de France (single)
- Hampshire from Les toisons bretonnes + Coast from Holst garn
- Alpaca from Drops
- Flora from Drops
- Nord from Drops
- Soft merino aran from Rico Design (single)